Prompt bank

The goal for this doc is to provide inspiration about what is possible and specific language for how to do it. Multiple similar prompts are welcome!

Ancient Greek vocabulary


Greek NER

Models used

Llama3 8B quantized ollama


David Mimno


Identify named entities in this passage: ξυνεβεβήκει δὲ ἀπὸ τοῦ πάνυ ἀρχαίου ἑτέρων μᾶλλον Ἀθηναίοις τοῦτο. ἐπὶ γὰρ Κέκροπος καὶ τῶν πρώτων βασιλέων ἡ Ἀττικὴ ἐς Θησέα αἰεὶ κατὰ πόλεις ᾠκεῖτο πρυτανεῖά τε ἐχούσας καὶ ἄρχοντας, καὶ ὁπότε μή τι δείσειαν, οὐ ξυνῇσαν βουλευσόμενοι ὡς τὸν βασιλέα, ἀλλ᾽ αὐτοὶ ἕκαστοι ἐπολίτευον καὶ ἐβουλεύοντο: καί τινες καὶ ἐπολέμησάν ποτε αὐτῶν, ὥσπερ καὶ Ἐλευσίνιοι μετ᾽ Εὐμόλπου πρὸς Ἐρεχθέα."

Example output

The named entities in this passage are:

* Athenaios (Αθηναίοις): a group of people from Athens

* Kekrops (Κέκροπος): a legendary king of Attica, considered one of the

first rulers of Athens

* The first kings (τῶν πρώτων βασιλέων): a reference to the early rulers

of Athens, including Kekrops and others

* Theseus (Θησέα): a legendary hero-king of Athens

* Eleusiniotai (Ἐλευσίνιοι): people from Eleusis, a city in ancient Greece

* Eumolpus (Εὐμόλπου): a legendary king of Eleusis

* Erechtheas (Ἐρεχθέα): a reference to Erechtheus, a legendary hero and

king of Athens

Create labels from topic keywords


Create labels for topic keywords

Models used

llama3 8B quantized


David Mimno


Adding the instruction "Be concise" removed some chattiness at the beginning and an explanation of the title afterwards. Specifying the format more specifically helped consistency.


Be concise. Provide just a single short text title in doublequotes for the topic associated with the following words: {LDA output}

Example output

**"Safe Language Models: Mitigating Risks and Attacks in LLMs"**

Classification and analysis with JSON output


Text classification and information extrusion in structured format

Models used

llama3 8B quantized


Erik Fredner


If using the API, set "format": "json" for a less verbose answer. (API docs.)

System prompt

Determine whether the following Jeopardy! question references literature. Respond in JSON with the following fields: ["literature", "confidence", "authors", "works"]. "literature" should be boolean. "confidence" is an integer representing your confidence: 50 is guessing; 100 is certain. "authors" is a list containing any authors referenced in the question including their birth and death dates like so: "John Milton (1608-1674)". "works" is a list containing the full titles of any works of literature referenced, e.g., "Paradise Lost".

User prompt

Category: LITERATURE Question: The British Library says of this 19th c. man, "One of his most famous poems... is a warning about the arrogance of great leaders" Answer: Shelley

Example output

Here's my analysis:



  "literature": true,

  "confidence": 100,

  "authors": ["Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)"],

  "works": ["Ozymandias"]



The question references a specific work of literature ("One of his most famous poems... is a

warning about the arrogance of great leaders"), which is widely known to be Percy Bysshe

Shelley's sonnet "Ozymandias". The British Library's quote confirms this connection.

Therefore, I'm 100% confident that the question references literature.

Classification of narrative


Narrative Prediction

Models used

GPT-4, GPT-3.5


Joel Mire, Maria Antoniak

Associated paper

Where do people tell stories online? Story Detection Across Online Communities



Use the guidelines below to support your decisions, but ultimately, follow your best judgment as there are many edge cases.

A story describes a sequence of events involving one or more people.

Stories can be fictional or real, exciting or mundane. Stories describe the experiences of one or more specific people. “People” can include animals, aliens, etc. “People” can include groups as long as these are specific groups of people that exist at a specific time and place. “People” includes the first person narrator.

Stories must include multiple, specific events. These events should be sequential: one event happens, then another event happens. It’s ok if the events are narrated out of order, but there should still be a clear sequence. These events should be connected: they might be about the same people, they might be causally connected, they might describe an overall change or transformation in the state of the world, they might describe a single experience. Jumbles of events that are unordered and/or unconnected (like lists of examples) are not stories.

Events are “a singular occurrence at a particular place and time.” General, repeating, isolated, or hypothetical situations, states, and actions are usually not events. Most stories are told in the past tense. Present and future tense can also be used, but the bar is higher and the narrated events need to be strongly story-like. Most events are positively asserted as occurring, but depending on the context, negative verbs can also be events when occurring at a specific time and place. Events are usually verbs but can also be nouns and adjectives.


Does the following text contain a story? Answer YES or NO, and then briefly explain your reasoning.




Example output

Yes, … [reason]

Identifying metaphorical word usage


Metaphoric word usage identification

Models used

GPT-4o, GPT-4, GPT-3.5


Rebecca Hicke, Ross Deans Kristensen-McLachlan

Associated paper

SCIENCE IS EXPOLORATION: Computational Frontiers for Conceptual Metaphor Theory

System prompt

You are a helpful assistant. You have extensive linguistic knowledge.


For each word in the following text, determine if it has a *more* basic contemporary meaning in other contexts than the one in the given context. For our purposes, basic meanings tend to be:

  • more concrete; what they evoke is easier to imagine, see, here, feel, smell, and taste
  • related to bodily action
  • more precise (as opposed to vague)
  • historically older

Basic meanings are not necessarily the most frequent meanings of the word. Remember to only report YES for words whose use in this context is not their most basic meaning.


"I demolished his argument."

  • I: NO (pronoun, basic meaning is the same)
  • demolished: YES (verb, more basic meaning refers to destroying a building)
  • his: NO (possessive pronoun, basic meaning is the same)
  • argument: NO (noun, basic meaning is the same)

"They write about their family."

  • They: NO (pronoun, basic meaning is the same)
  • write: NO (verb, basic meaning is the same)
  • about: NO (preposition, basic meaning is the same)
  • their: NO (possessive pronoun, basic meaning is the same)
  • family: NO (noun, basic meaning is the same)


Example output

  • Your: NO (possessive pronoun, basic meaning is the same)
  • claims: YES (noun, more basic meaning refers to demands or assertions of ownership)
  • are: NO (verb, basic meaning is the same)
  • indefensible: YES (adjective, more basic meaning refers to something that cannot be defended physically)

Classifying focalization


Classifying focalization mode

Models used

GPT-4o, GPT-4, GPT-3.5, llama3 8B quantized, llama3 70B quantized


Rebecca Hicke, Yuri Bizzoni

Associated paper

Says Who? Effective Zero-Shot Annotation of Focalization

System prompt

You are a helpful assistant.


Please state how the given novel excerpt is focalized, or the perspective through which narrative information is provided. There are three modes of focalization:

  • INTERNAL: From the perspective of a particular character. Describes what the character knows, including their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.
  • EXTERNAL: From the perspective of an outside narrator. Describes characters' actions, behaviors, and settings. Communicates physically observable facts.
  • ZERO: From every perspective. The narration has an omniscient point of view and can describe the thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and actions of any character.

Speech in quotation marks counts as external focalization. Only respond with one word representing the mode of focalization.



Example output